Table of Contents Preface typescript angular


Al­ways code as if the per­son who ends up main­tain­ing your code is a vi­o­lent psy­chopath who knows where you live.[1]

The qual­ity of soft­ware is di­rectly af­fected by its code­base. Be­cause most pro­jects are de­vel­oped over mu­ti­ple years and many dif­fer­ent peo­ple main­tain the soft­ware dur­ing its life­cy­cle, hav­ing a con­si­tent cod­ing con­ven­tion is es­sen­tial.

If every­one ad­heres to the same cod­ing style, it will be much eas­ier to read and un­der­stand the ex­ist­ing code base. Fa­mil­iar­ity with the code, es­cpe­cially when it was writ­ten by an­other de­vel­oper, will save a lot of time and frus­tra­tion that would oth­er­whise be spent fig­ur­ing out the struc­ture and char­ac­ter­siscs of the soft­ware.

Hav­ing a con­sis­tent style in cod­ing will en­able de­vel­op­ers to work to­gether more ef­fec­tively. Un­fa­mil­iar pat­terns will jump out of the code when you look at it. Even if un­fa­mil­iar pat­terns aren’t al­aways er­rors, they def­i­nitely need a close look to make sure noth­ing is missed.[2]

What to expect

The fol­low­ing pages are a su­per small in­tro­duc­tion into Type­Script and a col­lec­tion of good prac­tices when work­ing with An­gu­lar. I did­n’t in­vent these method and I hope that I ref­er­enced every­one who ini­tially thought of it. The goal is to have a place where all my find­ings are ag­gre­gated and nicley struc­tured, so that I (and every­one else who is in­ter­ested) can eas­ily ac­cess it.

I hope you find the fol­low­ing pages help­ful! If you find any flaws or in­ac­cu­racy please let me know by creating an issue!

  1. Quote from Coding For Violent Psychopaths

  2. Why Coding Style Matters, Smash­ing Mag­a­zine